Peanut butter is one of the world’s greatest inventions.
But some of these peanut butter brands are nothing but sugar.
A man from Jeffreys Bay who has a deep love for peanut butter, but also a wide love for his middle, decided to scour the scene for a peanut butter alternative.
His short journey led him to a nut shop, where he loaded up on some premium nuts, headed home and chucked all of it into a food processor.
What came out was so surprisingly good that he decided to share it around Green Room for feedback.
The feedback was so overwhelmingly positive that he decided to start selling his concoction.
And so was born Lush Yummy nut butter, a nut butter that consists of macadamia nuts, cashews, honey and some other nutritious things.
Part of the company’s quirkiness is that the owner sells the product on the merit of the product, not branding.
Especially striking is the Comic Sans font used in the logo. It’s a hideous font.
In fact, the owner despises the font, and uses it as part of what he calls “unbranding”.
Lush Yummy’s unofficial tagline is: “A nut butter so good, not even Comic Sans can break it.”
It’s a phenomenal nut butter. It’s sweet, but not overwhelmingly so.
The fact that the sweetness is derived from honey makes the treat a guilt-free delight, so you can really dig into this nut butter without worrying too much.
Visit the Lush Yummy website and buy a premium nut butter made in Jeffreys Bay.